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Influential Interview Coaching

Equipping you with tips, techniques, and tools to strategically prepare you to interview with influence to get your foot in the door.



Receive coaching with our CEO & Entrepreneur, Kia Simmons!


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  • Want to level the playing field between Human Resources (HR) and yourself?

  • Desire to learn the things "HR" won't or don't tell you that matters?

  • Want to gain confidence & knowledge to no longer operate as an average job seeker?

  • Applying for multiple jobs but can't make it past the initial screening?

  • Want to highlight your value but struggling to compete to stand out in interviews?


If you answered 'Yes' to any of these questions...this is your solution.




Influential Interview

Coaching Benefits



  • An investment in lifelong skills that can get you picked, promoted or progressing

  • Interview techniques that you can tailor to your needs

  • Insight on qualities and skills employers find ideal

  • Clarity on your interview strengths, as well as weaknesses

  • Tips and tools to help you more efficiently prepare for your interviews

  • Increased ability to story-tell, highlight, and shadow appropriately in interviews

  • Understanding the impact of environment, appearance, non-verbal's, etc.

  • Learning how to become more memorable in the interview process

  • Insight on how to and when to negotiate

  • If LIVE virtual, feedback and follow-up from your coach

Why work with Kia?

Kia participates in countless job screenings and interviews and it’s not because she work's in Human Resources (HR). In fact, she currently consults and contracts within the Project Management and Business Solutions industries. Kia deals with the various complexities of people on a daily basis, striving to learn their strengths, weaknesses, motivators and triggers. She finds strong interest in WHY people do what they do, make the choices they do, or don’t make. Kia periodically goes through the full job search journey and finds it exciting and invigorating. She approach's each opportunity as a challenge where she evaluates and formulates her strategy accordingly. Whether you are looking for something temporary or aiming to land a job to set up shop long term, her recommendations can help increase your chances of getting your foot in the door.


Disclaimer: This resource does not guarantee employment. These are solely recommendations to help avoid premature elimination and increase the likelihood of an optimistic outcome.

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  • Save $100

    Interview Prep-1

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    Valid for one week
  • Interview Prep-2

    Every 2 weeks
    (2) Payment- Plan
    Valid for 4 weeks
  • Interview Prep-3

    Every 2 weeks
    (3) Payment-Plan
    Valid for 6 weeks
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Mailing: 2285 Kingsley Ave Suite A-1053 Orange Park, FL 32073

© 2023 by Vivid Business Solutions, LLC

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